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Sdl Download C For Mac

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Sdl Download C For Mac

Browse the documentation and the header files, and be sure to read the license so you know what you have the rights to use and how you may use it.. Now, assuming you intend to compile SDL apps using the free MinGW (MinGW?), get the latest version of the SDL from the download section on the SDL website.. If you are unfamiliar with this library I recommend going to the SDL website and having a look around for an hour or nine.. Get the Development Runtime for, the MinGW version SDL users tend to favour when on Windows, so some of the MinGW-specific information is a bit sparse. 1

Contents Windows: MinGW See the site: and SDL: Development SDL (Simple Direct Media Layer) is a very powerful, low-level, cross-platform, high-performance.. As-is, the development runtime package needs to be configured and installed before you can compile with it. 2

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